Friday, December 12, 2008

How to crash into a wall...

There are a number of ways to crash into a wall!

The force of the crash and the selection of a suitable wall is absolutely upto you!
  1. Building expectations...
    Outcome: Bruised nose!

  2. Expecting expectations to be expected...
    Outcome: Bruised nose and forehead!

  3. Expecting expectations to be accepted...
    Outcome: Bruised nose, forehead, hands, and knees!

  4. Expecting expectations to be met...
    Outcome: Nose bleed!

  5. Droping expectations!
    Outcome: Concussion!

  6. Falling in love with someone...
    Outcome: Unconsciousness!

  7. Expecting someone to fall equally in love with you...
    Outcome: Paralysis!

  8. Believing yourself to be the ultimately righteous person...
    Outcome: Coma!

  9. Mistaking friends' reliability for dependability...
    Outcome: Skull fracture!

  10. Giving up!
    Outcome: Demise!

Hope it helps to know all of these!

P.S. The author does not profess in recovery from any of the outcomes of any of the crashes!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

A drop of insanity...

It's a little funny how it's always difficult to recall when was the last time one cried and what did one cry about once the emotions have eased back to normal!

Even if it was just the night before! Or may be even a few hours!
Because all our grievance just turns into a salty, sticky trickle of tears and leaves the rest of the body to let itself move on!

But there are moments when one certainly knows of not being upset or gloomy, and most definitely isn't anywhere near crying, yet a lonesome tear swells out of the corner of one of the eyes, and is wiped away unnoticed!

A quiet existence of some unfair atrocity that life has incurred upon an otherwise sparingly happy person!

Do you remember when was the last time you wiped your cheek for the cold, wet trail that rebelling tear left?

If you think never! Then think again! Because if it's true it either means you're an insensitive rock or you're a very blessed person!

It just takes a little bit of a touch with the reality to know when did you shed the last drop of insanity!